University of Arizona
Child Cognition Lab
room 429
The Team
2021 - 2022 Undergraduate Research Assistants

Lauren Anthony
Lauren is a junior studying Neuroscience and Human Development. She is fascinated by how children learn and develop, and she loves being able to see these processes in our lab! Her goal in the future is to work with children and help provide them with the tools they need to achieve their full potential in whichever career that may be!

Emily Filiberti
Emily is a senior here at the University of Arizona! She is majoring in psychological science and minoring in theatre. She is excited to be working in this lab because she enjoy working with children, making new friends and learning new skills that she can apply later in the future! Her future goals consist of pursuing a master’s degree, as well as a career in marketing!

Madison Mas
Madison is a senior studying Family Studies & Human Development and Psychology. She loves working with her friends in the lab and studying how children learn. Her future plan is to become a clinical psychologist specializing in children and adolescents art/play therapy.

Katrina Myers
Katrina is a senior studying Neuroscience & Cognitive Sciences with a minor in Spanish. She loves that this lab focuses on her interest in language development in children and she is so excited to learn more in this field! Her future goals are to earn a PhD and carry out research on bilingualism in infants.

Bailey Taylor
Bailey is a junior majoring in Family Studies and Human Development with a minor in Biochemistry. She loves being in the lab and has been interested in understanding how children learn and develop since her first ECE class in high school. She also loves the sense of community she feels from everyone involved! Her future goals are to pursue a medical degree and become a pediatric emergency physician.

Nhu Dang
Nhu is a senior majoring in Neuroscience and Cognitive Science. She loves being in the lab because she has always had in interest in working with children and understanding how they develop cognitively. She also loves everyone who is involved in this lab! Her future career goal is to become a pediatrician.

Kavya John
Kavya is originally from St. Louis, MO. She is currently a junior majoring in Neuroscience & Cognitive Science with a minor Family Studies & Human Development and Biochemistry. Kavya is so excited to be working in this lab to continue learning about how children develop, to gain experience working with children, and to have more exposure to the world of research. She plans to take what she learns from this lab and use it in her future career as a pediatric occupational therapist!
Ivy Miller
Ivy is a senior majoring in psychological science and minoring in American Sign Language. This lab is an amazing experience for her as she wants to use her degree to pursue developmental psychology. After she graduates, she plans to enter a PhD program for clinical psychology. Eventually, she wants to help children with behavioral and mental health issues to be able to better handle their struggles.

Dylan SAdowsky
Dylan is a senior at the University of Arizona double majoring in Neuroscience and Cognitive Sciences as well as Psychological Science! She loves working in the lab as she can learn more about conducting research. The studies done in this lab are very interesting to her as she has always wanted to learn more about how children learn and develop, and she hopes to do something in a related field in the future!

Sara Valderrama
Sara is a junior studying in Psychological Science. This lab allows her to explore her interest in child developmental psychology, and hopefully use the knowledge gained from this lab to help her later in her career. After she graduates, she plans on earning her medical degree and becoming an OB-GYN or a Neonatologist.